Moar Games

Serious Steam sale is in progress. There are some really good games on that list. Mirror’s Edge, GTA IV, World of Goo, Ghost Busters, and Knights of the old Republic all for single digit dollar amounts. The list goes on…oh jebus Machinarium is here ffff

My Favorite SVN Tool: SmartSVN

SmartSVN is my go-to tool for Subversion work. I believe that most people use either the command line ‘svn’ tool, or TortoiseSVN. Now I like command line from time to time too, and for that I use SlikSVN under Windows. I don’t like command line for the majority of the work though, so I stick to SmartSVN.

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So, how is Windows API Code Pack 1.0?

I slammed the betas pretty hard as far as their DirectX implementation was concerned. I haven’t had the chance or any real inclination to try out the final release, but I’m getting some rumblings that a fair bit has improved. So how about you guys tell me – how is it?