How to Serialize Interfaces in .NET

I’m working on some final touches for SlimTune’s next version, and one of them involves persisting the launcher settings between application runs. Launching is handled by an interface ILauncher, which can be set to any number of things via a reflected list of inherited types. A PropertyGrid is used to configure the settings, and all the underlying code ever sees is the interface. SlimTune’s a plugin based C# app, and this is all pretty standard.

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ClickOnce Support in SlimDX

Man, it’s been a long time since I wrote about SlimDX. We’ve released the February 2010 version today, so go ahead and grab that if you’re so inclined. This version is mostly bug fixes, for both us and Microsoft. DirectX 11 should be much more usable, although we’re still working towards stronger D2D and DWrite implementations. In the meantime, I wanted to discuss a feature that was included too late for documentation to catch up: ClickOnce support.

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Wanted: Socket 939 motherboard

I’m looking for a s939 (AMD) motherboard to put together a mini server system for pretty much all my work (SlimDX, SlimTune, AR Labs). I have all the other pieces, it’s just the mobo I’m missing. If someone is willing to send me an old but working one – preferably micro ATX – they’re not using, that would be amazing. I will pay shipping.

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SlimTune Testers Needed

I’m currently working towards the release of SlimTune 0.2.1, which will hopefully happen before GDC. If you’ve been paying attention, that might seem a bit odd to you – 0.2.0 isn’t out yet. That’s because 0.2.0 is the pre-release version, and I need testers for it.

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