SlimTune Testers Needed

I’m currently working towards the release of SlimTune 0.2.1, which will hopefully happen before GDC. If you’ve been paying attention, that might seem a bit odd to you – 0.2.0 isn’t out yet. That’s because 0.2.0 is the pre-release version, and I need testers for it.

The idea is basically to poke around the new code, let me know about glaring omissions or failures, etc. This is a short process, so if you want to do it I need you to have sufficient time this week. I want to put the final touches in this weekend, if possible. The pre-release will install normally and won’t interfere with an upgrade to the proper release version later on.

I’m particularly interested in verification that ASP.NET is working correctly, and simple sanity checks that everything is that it should be. UI feedback is always welcome, though it may not make it into 0.2.1. In any case, if you’re interested you should email me. The address, as usual, is promit dot roy, gmail.
