Advocacy Won't Save the Internet

There’s been a lot of rage across the internet and related companies about a US bill called the Stop Online Piracy Act, abbreviated as SOPA. You can look to Wikipedia for what the whole thing is about and why people are upset. In short, it greatly contracts internet freedom and may inflict damage on the core structure. That is not the part I am writing about. If anything, it’s amazing that things took so long to get to this point. We’re seeing the beginning of a war that was always inevitable, and I fear that if we continue to try to solve it at a policy level, freedom will lose as it always does.

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Moving Away From Godaddy

Just a quick update here: My domains, primarily and but a few others as well, are currently hosted by GoGaddy. Now GoDaddy is a company with a long, messy history of being a third tier sleaze-bag registrar, but I stuck with them because of pricing. However their recent support of SOPA, and their pathetic recant, pushed me over the edge.

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DirectX and XNA Follow-up

I wanted to clarify and respond to a few things regarding my previous post about DirectX and XNA. First a quick note: the very long standing DIRECTXDEV mailing list is being shut down. Microsoft is encouraging a move to their forums, but in case you’re fond of the mailing list format there’s a Google Group that everyone is shifting over to. If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably interested in the subject matter and so I highly encourage everyone to join. MS Connect’s entry for DirectX is being discontinued as well, so I’m not sure how you report bugs now.

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DirectX and XNA Status Report

A few interesting things have been happening in the DirectX and XNA world, and I think people haven’t really noticed yet. It’s been done quietly, not because Microsoft is trying to hide anything but because they’ve always been big believers in the “fade into the night” approach to canceling projects. Or their communication ability sucks. Cancel may be the wrong word here, but the DirectX developer experience is going to be quite a bit different moving forward.

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