The SlimDX Architecture, Part 2

Now we get into the real substance of things. In Part 1, I discussed some of the historical elements that went into the design of ComObject and ObjectTable, but stopped short of explaining the current system. In this segment, I’ll cover the essentials of how things work today. You should also read COM and SlimDX, Part I, as it does a better job than me of covering some of the details. (Remember, these are test drafts for new documentation.)

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The SlimDX Architecture, Part 1

As I mentioned earlier, there’s very little documentation on how the internals of SlimDX work, and why they work that way. This is important documentation, both for the team and for anyone looking to make changes or add things. I do intend to add full documentation; however, how to lay it out properly isn’t quite clear to me. I’m writing this series of blog posts as a dry run to get a sense for what topics are significant and what ordering would make the most sense. I’ll try a chronological approach first, and discuss the history of how things used to work.

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Highlight: AI War

Arcen Games recently released their first game, AI War. It’s available directly from them, along with a demo version You can also download it via Impulse, which is Stardock’s equivalent to Steam. (“Steam Powered”, “Impulse Driven”. I see what they did there!)

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