Export and Import Interoperability

I’ve decided that “Windows API Code Pack” is far too long to say/write in casual conversation. WACP it is.<hr>

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Quick Update

So I’m heading home for the weekend, and I’ve exhausted my queue of posts for the moment. I’ll be bringing you guys the next part of the SlimDX Architecture series some time next week, and we’ll see where things go from there. I’m also going to evaluate whether or not to do an interim SlimDX release for July; I’ve just gotten word that the SDK is not going to be released for some time.

This Blog Supports OpenID

I just want to remind everyone that Wordpress and therefore this blog allow OpenID logins. That means if you have a Google account, Yahoo account, or AIM/AOL account, you can leave a comment without having to sign up for anything.

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I am now a DirectX MVP!

I’ve just been awarded XNA/DirectX MVP status by Microsoft! I’m still poking around the new sites I’ve been given access to, but there’s a lot of cool stuff here, courtesy of Microsoft. They’re giving me MSDN and TechNet subscriptions, for example, which I’m thrilled about. I’m also eager to finally have access to the private MVP newsgroup, since it’s not uncommon that I have questions related to SlimDX development that really need an answer from the DirectX team itself.

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SlimDX Performance

Whoo, I burnt through a lot of posts last week. I really ought to pace myself a bit more conservatively.

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