SlimTune Profiler Update

You may have noticed that the profiler’s development is completely frozen. No this isn’t an accident, and no it’s not discontinued or finished. I’ve got so much in store for it. The problem is that when I get into my projects, I get really immersed. Keeping up the pace on SlimTune basically meant SlimDX’s August release would never get done; I’m obsessive like that. So I made a conscious decision to freeze SlimTune until the next SlimDX release was out. (Also classes were starting.) That freeze was only supposed to last two weeks or so.

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My Fender Stratocaster

Okay, so it’s been a long while since I had an entry, and this time we’ll actually step away from technical matters to a different passion of mine – guitars. I’ve owned several, but the subject of today’s talk is my beloved Fender. Fender Strat Body

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SlimDX August Release Plan

I probably don’t need to tell you that it has been an incredibly long time since the last SlimDX release. That’s because it has been an incredibly long time since the last DirectX release. The reason seems to be somewhat quirky schedule planning on Microsoft’s part; basically they’ve decided to hold out on the next SDK until they have a completely stable Windows 7 compatible release. (IMO they should’ve done a release in June but okay fine.)

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SlimDX Performance Tips and Tricks

Previously, I discussed some of the inherent performance costs that SlimDX suffers. Although that’s somewhat educational if you’re evaluating SlimDX, it’s pretty useless if you’re already using it and would like to get the most out of your code. This time, I’ll go over what you can actually do to make sure you’re running optimally.

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