Preparing for GDC

It’s amazing how fast this snuck up on us. This time next week, I will be getting ready for my first day of my first ever GDC. I’m in the process of getting ready for the conference, on several fronts. One of those fronts is figuring out who I need to meet. On the off chance somebody wants to talk to me, they’re welcome to do that too.

Step 1 is communication. I’ll be getting the phone numbers of friends (you people know who you are). For overall communication and simply keep tracking of what the hell’s going on, I am going to try to use this Twitter thing. I don’t like twitter, but I guess this might be something it’s good at. My twitter account is d3dhaxxor, so if you’ll be at GDC let me know.

After that, I have no idea. I’m trying to figure out which parties I have to be at, like GameDev.Net’s mixer for example. If there’s somewhere else I ought to be, let me know!
